CSG will be moving to www.hostednovel.com for good at the end of the month!

CSG will be moving to www.hostednovel.com for good at the end of the month! That means you won’t be able to read it here afterwards, so please switch websites ASAP!

2 thoughts on “CSG will be moving to www.hostednovel.com for good at the end of the month!

  1. Just wanted to say, my heart went bellow my boys for a second when I thought it was LGS instead of CSG. Hope you keep LGS on this website, as I really enjoy the website color choices and look, not seeing the weired asf narutoporn ads, and being able to look at the cool website name. Also, I didn’t mean, “Great Work” as in, yay, CSG is gone. Was just testing on how to leave a comment and leave some good onion vibes
    Awesome work on translating and leaving info on somethings that arnt known that much in chaps too, I enjoy reading and learning about them


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